By Rebecca - 21/05/2012 14:11 - United States - Austin

Today, my colleague yet again misused the word "literally." It's driving me insane. I have to work opposite him and hear him say things like he's just "literally shit himself inside out." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 269
You deserved it 5 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your comment literally made me shit myself inside out.

You should say "I'm literally going to kill you if you don't stop saying literally. Literally".


go_Banannas0814 0

**** the chill out. You see that? That was strange and irrelevant comment. That is all.

I literally just pissed myself reading this...

kandi_kid69 15

You might want to invest into some diapers if you can't control your bladder.

I HATE that shit too! Once someone told me Labor Day was "literally" around the corner, and I said, "No it's not! If I go around the corner, I won't find some midget squatting there named Labor Day!"

It most have smelled pretty bad then.

Alright that's enough adding insult to injury...... Litterally!

KingCeltic77 18

I think you're supposed to use the word practically for those situations instead of literally. Am I right.

dougierocks 13

Sounds right to me... Could you see him when he said it?

Literally is misused intentionally. Saying figuratively just doesn't have the same impact. The point is to use a metaphor rather than a simile. To say it was like a blizzard has less impact than to say it was a blizzard and the same applies with figuratively and literally. Either is acceptable.

unknown_user5566 26

Just tell him you literally think he's an annoying, incompetent person. Maybe then he'll understand its true meaning. FYL OP, I hate when people have no common sense.