By rebeccaremily - 04/10/2009 07:03 - Canada

Today, my computer stopped working. Me, the technology challenged one, decided to do a system recovery on it hoping that I could make it better. Turns out, system recovery means deleting all the files off the computer including family photos, music and assignments and starting fresh. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 658
You deserved it 54 731

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YOU NEVER PUSH BUTTONS WHEN YOU DON'T KNOW FOR SURE WHAT IT WILL DO! Crap! That is one of the first lessons you learn as a child! Didn't your mom tell you not to touch things that you don't know about? Did you not pay attention?


System recovery keeps your files, but makes all programs from that point ok become uninstalled

stump11knights 10

Usually it suggests to back up your files first...

elizacandle 29

It tells yoy before you do it!

did it really?? crap... I did that to my computer last night....

toxic_hippos 11
thecman25 14

the technology challenged one? yea sure

There are search engines for a reason.

OP, it is possible to recover the information back. My dad got a virus on his computer and was forced to do a system reboot. The repairman was able to salvage all photos from his computer, including ones that were deleted in the past (Even when you delete a program completely into the recycling bin, traces of the program still remain).