By SeriouslyDad - 22/09/2013 13:57 - United States - Waxhaw

Today, my dad and I had a yelling match about me "lying", because I was unable to contact iTunes support without a phone number. To prove a point, he went online to find the phone number. It's been an hour and he's still searching for the number. I can't leave the table until he has found it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 197
You deserved it 3 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people can't handle being wrong. It's sad he's taking it out on his own child.

flashback.miss 28

should've pretended to need the bathroom and run for it. how did this end? and how often do you lie to your father to merit a yelling match?


sometimes parents need to learn humility. they are not always right, even if they are awesome parents

You both lose. Apple website> contact us, and behold, all Apple contact numbers. in the event you're confused by this, itunes is a product of Apple. To further simplify this, it's the first thing to pop up on Google search. How do you not find it??

TrinityisLife 22

Well, I'm up there looking as well and I see no phone number other than 1-800-MY-APPLE. I don't see another one specifically for iTunes.

You won't find one specifically for itunes. But call any support numbers in the contact us option and they'll provide software support. There are multiple numbers so I'm assuming you weren't able to find it either. Is simple internet navigation really this difficult?

You need to learn to read. This FML was about finding a direct iTunes support phone number. There is no such number. iTunes does not do direct phone support.

Look like you will spend the night at the table ..

What're you? A 10yr old?!!!! Just kick him in the balls!!!

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Yeah, that would solve everything. Lol.

Obey_StudBoii 23

That's no way to solve a situation.

You're obviously white if you think that would work.

Hey hey, lay off benmec! He's clearly a manlier man than anyone else here, what with his alligator wrestling and rattlesnake wrangling, all before having raw bull testicles and porcupine quills for breakfast. I salute you, benmec.

perdix 29

Maybe you can ask Siri -- oh, wait, her time is being monopolized by that loser who doesn't talk to human people.

easy. .. dad call 411 and see what they tell you. .. lol

Obey_StudBoii 23

Just Google ITunes Support number and the first thing that pops up is the number on the website clear as day. It's a 800 number. Anyways have a good day OP.

jw90 18

Why doesn't he just email them?

U.S. iPod, Mac and iPad technical support: (800) APL-CARE (800-275-2273) 2 mouse clicks in 17 seconds