By SeriouslyDad - 22/09/2013 13:57 - United States - Waxhaw

Today, my dad and I had a yelling match about me "lying", because I was unable to contact iTunes support without a phone number. To prove a point, he went online to find the phone number. It's been an hour and he's still searching for the number. I can't leave the table until he has found it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 197
You deserved it 3 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people can't handle being wrong. It's sad he's taking it out on his own child.

flashback.miss 28

should've pretended to need the bathroom and run for it. how did this end? and how often do you lie to your father to merit a yelling match?


I typed in "itunes support phone number" on google and a phone number to call was right at the top. -_-

There's a number. It's called AppleCare. Wow.

justmeCee 16

Call the Apple store that is nearest to you. Usually located in the mall. They do, in fact have a phone number that you can call to make an appointment to get your iPhone serviced or can help you over the phone. Apple is the brand. iPhone is the product.

an3ph 20

Um… it's been an hour now. We want to know how it turned out!

I can't believe how many people are commenting with various wrong phone numbers. The FML is about a phone number for iTunes support, not any other Apple department. You cannot find a direct phone number to iTunes support because it does not exist.

Thors_Hammer9999 17

1.) Telephone the following number: 800-275-2273. This is the Apple Care Service and Support Line. 2.) When you hear the recorded greeting, enter 70. The recording will very likely reject that entry at first. If so, try again. 3.) When you're prompted to say the product that you need tech support for, say "iTunes." 4.) When you're prompted to say what type of computer you're using, say "a Windows machine" or "Macintosh." 5.) When you're prompted to say whether you're calling on behalf of a school, answer "yes" or "no." 6.) This will get you a live person. Please note: You will need to state the serial number of your iPod before you can proceed. this took me less then a minute to find...seriously....I can see now why you can't figure out iTunes Some people should NEVER be allowed near technology....smh....

caligirl252525 3

The number is 1 (877) 636 4124, it's really not that hard to find.