By SeriouslyDad - 22/09/2013 13:57 - United States - Waxhaw

Today, my dad and I had a yelling match about me "lying", because I was unable to contact iTunes support without a phone number. To prove a point, he went online to find the phone number. It's been an hour and he's still searching for the number. I can't leave the table until he has found it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 197
You deserved it 3 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people can't handle being wrong. It's sad he's taking it out on his own child.

flashback.miss 28

should've pretended to need the bathroom and run for it. how did this end? and how often do you lie to your father to merit a yelling match?


ravenh1979 13

Ugh!! Good luck with iTunes!! Lol last summer I had Pandora radio on my iPod and I was paying like 4.99 a month for the better version, well after about 2 months I canceled my subscription. Not paying attention to my credit card, because I trusted Apple had canceled it per my request like they were supposed too!!I finally realized I was still getting charged for Pandora 8 months later!! They would only refund me for a month!! I was not happy, I didn't even have the app anymore, and I told them that.. Smh I took it off when I canceled my subscription!! Ugh!!

At least you won't have to walk anywhere to get served supper...?

Whether you're right or wrong, you will never win an argument with a parent. If you dare TRY to win, a punishment is on its way.

Take it to next level OP. Be his speaking watch: You have been searching for an hour and 1 sec , 2 sec, 3 sec If he didn't get the hint. Then you need to re evaluate the way you present things to him.

That's because Apple doesn't care about their customers enough to actually have a support system. They just outsource it to locally licensed business that think they understand Mac.

perdix 29

Bullshit!! Apple has wonderful tech support. The few times I've called them, my problem got solved on the phone call.

Your dad's not bright 1-800-275-2273 took me about 45 seconds on Google.

FlawlessSin 5

U.S. iPod, Mac and iPad technical support: (800) APL-CARE (800-275-2273) U.S. iPhone technical support: (800) MY-IPHONE (800-694-7466) Here you go. Hope you get what you're looking for ^_^

They do have a number it's after going through page and page of trying to find a solution and nothing comes up...

Just leave the table, if he can't admit when he's wrong and be an adult about it, you don't need to sit there and deal with his bullshit.