By skinsfan7592 - 08/02/2010 15:19 - United States

Today, my dad and I had an argument. Then we went outside to shovel the snow out of the driveway. I heard him yelling and figured he was just yelling at me some more, so I turned my iPod up so I couldn't hear him anymore. Turns out he had fallen, cracked a rib, and needed help up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 151
You deserved it 44 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pepetto 0

you couldve atleast glanced at him! People usually yell for a reason.


aw poor guy :( i hope ur dad feels better. and i hope u feel like shit for not helping

The15Alex15 0

daz funny lol he must of been really mad at u 4 dat lol

nathan0816 0

nigga its not fml its fhl meaning f*** his life cuz that shyt didnt happen to u.. it happened to him

Well, you're a pretty terrible person.

Wow, YDI. Usually you can tell the difference between ranting/bitching and a plea for help. Btw, karma is a bitch. Hope you don't end up in that situation ><.

rosea888 0

oooooo people think ur stupid and an idiot now..... haha

If you can't distinguish the difference between a yell out of anger and of pain, you obviously need some sort of help. By the way instead of turning the volume on your iPod up and walking away, I strongly suggest you listen to their point of view, there are always two sides to a story, and you need to realise that you're not always going to be correct.

u don't disurve it ur dad does for yelling

Nic_hole 0

I was going to do the life alert joke. :p