By hawaiianlovechild - 29/11/2009 07:09 - United States

Today, my dad and I were watching Hawaii play the Navy in football. I cheered when Hawaii won. My dad turns to me and says, "You know your mother and I concieved you there?" Thanks Dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 524
You deserved it 3 935

Same thing different taste


Hawaii played "the Navy"?? Never heard Navy referred to as "the Navy" before. I'm picturing a carrier group on a football field now....

FHGrif 0

You think you've got it bad. Conception is a little more than 9 months and my dads birthday is a little more than 9 months before mine.

Rellich 0

I don't get it, Hawii's pretty awesome...

Anyone see "Four Christmases"? At least they didn't decide to name you after the city you were conceived in. "Is there a... Maui present...?"

OMG, you were not conceived in a lab... That is SO gross...

garry24 0

play THE Navy? you're an idiot, and this isn't an fml. go play in traffic

#18 I'm watching it right now at the moment. That's just creepy!