By hawaiianlovechild - 29/11/2009 07:09 - United States

Today, my dad and I were watching Hawaii play the Navy in football. I cheered when Hawaii won. My dad turns to me and says, "You know your mother and I concieved you there?" Thanks Dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 524
You deserved it 3 935

Same thing different taste


#18 and 23 I saw that yesterday! haha his real name is Orlando.

i agree, where's the "so what" buttons. seriously, people have babies, sex makes babies, fact of life, my 5 year old knows that....

25, are you really proud that your 5 year old knows about sex? You fail so hard as a parent. So much for your kids innocence

JoeNormal 0

my best friend's sister and 1 of my classmates cheered in that game... anyways thats to much info lol

Not a FML. That's actually sweet. You were made in Hawaii :)

dezzylovesyou 0

HAHAHAHA! That's not much of an FML, but it's funny. xD

LaughAtLaugh 7

get over it, lots of worse things can happen

wow, your parents had sex before you were born. WHAT A SURPRISE!!! could've fooled me

Hotblonde2 0