By BAMN2187 - 31/12/2012 03:51 - United States

Today, my dad asked me when I was going to start looking for a job. Jokingly, I told him next year. He got pissed, started to yell, then realized Tuesday is New Year's Day and grounded me for "being a dumbass." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 987
You deserved it 9 056

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rei_Ayanami 18

I always hate when people make this joke, and they do it every year.


skyenoelle 15

Sounds like he's not the smartest. I don't see why you were grounded, but I guess next time try not to piss him off. Good luck finding a new job!

The world of witty people is truly a challenging one, isn't it? Or maybe I'm just a dumbass.

perdix 29

#34, no and probably. If you are witty, you know what subjects are appropriate sources of material and for whom. Witty people are never going to take up the Newtown massacre. Only sick *****. That's an extreme example, though.

First paycheck buy your dad a sense of humor.

KM96 24

Haha awkward for him, because he realizes he made the mistake. :D

If anyone should of been grounded for being a dumb ass it should of been your dad.

KingCeltic77 18

Well Eric needs to get a job, and I don't need him making comments like that. If he put half the efforts of his insults into his job he'd be rich. But atleast he's better off than Foreign Kid.

I don't get why everyone is saying his Dad is an idiot, even if he didn't realize New Years is in a couple of days. He had the right to yell at his son about getting a job or not. He must of not had a job this 2012 year either. So what's the surprise if he won't find a job in 2013. Is "next year" answers going to get him a job?

oj101 33

Ah... parental authority. Even if they're wrong, they can force it to turn into fact.

BH1126 11

OP=Smart ass OPs Dad=Dumb ass