By disneyworld - 14/02/2010 05:49 - United States

Today, my dad told me he's taking the whole family to Disney World, even my step-brother's girlfriend. But not me, because he can't "afford" it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 972
You deserved it 2 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

there's sooo much things I wanna say but let's start it off....did the stepmother convince him to do that cuz sumtimes step relatives can be mean

Hiropon 0

Life's a bitch. I guess he's playing favorites. ^o^


thats mean.... but throw a HUGEEE party while everyones gone... u got the whole place to urself

#85 = WIN Haha ....OP's deffinately adopted thou

bfffness 0
Andromeda_fml 0
phuckurlyfe 0

how old is op's stepbrother and how old is the op? maybe pops didn't want to pay for anyone 18 ?

Have you actually thought that there might be a reason for the OP being left behind? I mean, the father looks like a generous guy, he's inviting everybody and anybody. Maybe the OP is such a hate-able person that she deserves to be left?

seriously...tell your mom. Also, sign him up for free advertisements and samples of erectile disfunction meds, and have a friend of yours who he doesn't know, call your step mom and the friend can say she is having an affair with your dad. Also sign him up with a fake gay dating ad on craigslist or something

beyond_awesome 0

what a cuntwaffle. my dad's like that...and i'm also from michigan. is it possible we have the same dad? he was pretty slutty back in the day...