By brittrus - 08/05/2015 13:44 - Canada - Milton

Today, my dad drove me to the airport. As I got out of the car, he said, "You better pop that zit on your face, security might think it's a bomb". FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 743
You deserved it 3 274

Same thing different taste


By Disappointment - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff - United States - Gresham

Today, I flew home to visit my parents. We haven't seen each other in two years, I've gotten a few tattoos done since, and I knew they wouldn't approve, so I bought whole new outfits that covered everything and looked professional. When I got there, the first thing my mom says to me is, "Is that a nose ring!?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 476
You deserved it 2 277

Top comments

Just point to your arms and tell him "they ought to be more worried about these guns."

Since when did "face-bombs" become a thing?


Tbch your dad has a good sense of humor, weird maybe but still good. So lighten up a bit OP, your dad was only joking.

"Dad you're joke was soo not the"

I'm sorry for laughing but ha ha ha. Good old dad-jokes.

I'd be like "thanks a lot dad" heavy on the sarcasm.

vmbrocca 13

In middle school my dad sad my cheeks looked like pepperoni pizza, I'm so glad to be done with the worst of my acne. Don't let what your dad said get to you, it'll pass. Just take care of your skin and try not to stress. Tips: If you have a large pimple that seems ready to pop don't pop it just hold a green tea bag to your face and let the antioxidants in the tea help fight the acne. You can also apply toothpaste to the area and leave it there a couple hours. After washing your face cover your whole face in Hydro peroxide for a minute then dry off. Exfoliate your skin at least one to twice a week. Make sure you always moisturize daily. I hope this helps ?

Ramos808 29

Your dad is a pretty funny guy. Lol, I'm wondering what else he says to his children

I am still laughing at your dad's sense of humor