By Katthebamf - 28/09/2014 14:25 - United Kingdom - Cannock
Katthebamf tells us more.
I'm fine we were going around 25mph down a quiet road. I always wear my protective gear so no scrapes just a sore back. Yeah he did forget as I'm quite agile and move well with the bike. When he noticed he stopped and helped me back onto the back to get me home. He's been very apologetic ever since but I take it in good jest as we have a really good relationship. :) thank you for your concern though
Top comments
You dont forget. It feels very differen to have a passenger on a motorcycle. He prob was just trying to show off and was too embarassed to admit it
Most likely!
Maybe he didn't forget...
You're supposed to hold onto the person or at least part of the bike when you're on the back, even when they're not doing wheelies. I've been riding since I was 5 but I thought everyone knew....
I've been riding since I was 8 I never really hold on when I'm a pillion except at speeds over 70 the wheelie took me by surprise. I used to ride dirt bikes so I'm used to getting thrown around so it doesn't phase me
How the hell did he forget you were on the back?
Like a lot of people have said "forgot" he's been really apologetic though
Your dad sounds irresponsible. Throwing wheelies on a road is both illegal and dangerous, not just for the biker (and passenger) but for other road users and pedestrians.
Ouch that must have left a mark
Not sure if he actually did a wheelie, or u just tilted the bike with ur weight........

Ouch. Are you OK?
how did he forget that? fyl OP, sounds like your dad should pay more attention to his surroundings