By Anonymous - 21/02/2015 13:46

Today, my dad gave my younger brother condoms and a pat on the back, even though he doesn't have a girlfriend. This is after called me a whore after he saw me kissing my long-term boyfriend last week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 160
You deserved it 4 059

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your dad is aware of what century it is, right?

LizetteBerenice 22


Both of you cut the crap and go get engaged with your someone and have a family

Double-*******-standards, my friend. People suck.

HerpNdurp88 0

It's a dad thing we hold our daughters to a different standard ... Right or wrong

Talk to your mother about it, assuming she's not of the same mentality. Bet he changes his tune with no sex, no clean laundry, no food prepared, no food in the house, plus whatever else she does.