By goodbye cruel world - 01/12/2012 01:28 - United States - Chula Vista

Today, my dad grounded me for two weeks for profusely swearing at my misbehaving laptop. After some arguing, he actually accepted my half-joking offer to play a game of CoD over it. His condition was that if I lost, my grounding period would double. We played. He kicked my ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 042
You deserved it 34 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it sounds like your dad is either awesome, or needs to quite his job as a rat farmer.

Your username is "goodbye cruel world"? You brought this on yourself.


First thing is you may want a new hobby instead of video games and second you may want to make sure your dad actually is working instead of playing CoD all day.

thrAsHeRr9081 16

What's wrong with playing video games as a hobby?

He probably secretly plays on it when you're not there.

Are you referring to "ass"? If so you should really reconsider what swearing actually is.

Just because it's mild doesn't mean it's not swearing.

By that logic every word in our language is a swear word. The thing about swear words is that they are supposed to be harsh. Otherwise it has no meaning at all.

fucking_dev 2

Go for double or nothing. See what happens...

Lol I laughed at this honestly. But that sucks your dad is awesome and next time make sure you get better..

As a Norwegian I'm unfamiliar with this grounding concept, except from references such as this one. Are you now locked in for four weeks, or what? Do you get to go to school? If so, how does your dad enforce that you come straight home again?

Ah, ok, thanks for clearing it up for me. It doesn't sound very difficult to get around, but still, a semi-formalized punishment just for swearing?? Wow. Cultural differences, I guess.

kriz_allizwell 6

Well, he went for the killstreak!