By goodbye cruel world - 01/12/2012 01:28 - United States - Chula Vista

Today, my dad grounded me for two weeks for profusely swearing at my misbehaving laptop. After some arguing, he actually accepted my half-joking offer to play a game of CoD over it. His condition was that if I lost, my grounding period would double. We played. He kicked my ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 042
You deserved it 34 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it sounds like your dad is either awesome, or needs to quite his job as a rat farmer.

Your username is "goodbye cruel world"? You brought this on yourself.


your dead pwns noobs sorry noob hey look on the bright side you have 2 weeks to get better at cod

YDI, learn how to coummicate other than excessive swearing. Shouting at something that does not go your way is kind of childish. I'd have grounded you too.

Wow, lol. He must train while ur sleeping

rmkangas 5

I bet you now found out what your dad does when he is gone.

You mess with the bull you get the horns. Your dad was playing video games before you were born and maybe even during your conception....wise man say..When Gaming against a gamer level the playing field...challenge him to something you both suck a game of life.

Your dad would swear twice as much If he tried to mess with that kind of advanced technology