By hiker - 29/03/2011 19:00 - United States

Today, my dad said that if I walked home from school, a distance of 8 miles, he would give me $50. Two hours and four massive blisters later, I come home. When I asked for my money, he said "I was kidding." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 539
You deserved it 14 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dum_dum1 0

you should have just caught a ride with some friends and had them drop you off down the road. work smarter not harder. dumbass!!

If only every American would do this, mabey we could decrease our nation's obesity.


mikehawksworth 0

you got four blisters from 8 miles? what are you 350lbs? cheese and rice

joa76 3

Blisters are normally due more to the shoes you wear than how much you walk.

Yeah, leave every1luvsboners alone, he's entitled to his opinion on here just like everyone else is.

yogi_the_bear 0

There is such a thing as school buses...

1prettymilf_fml_fml 5

Oh yeah? Well my school is 57 miles away, and I walk every day. Plus I go home for lunch. And I'm 4. Beat that!

took u 2 hrs to walk 8 miles? u prolly needed the exercise. thank ur dad

SirEBC 7

ZOMG BONERS UR COMENTS ARE NOT FUNNY. Freaking haters, man. Addressing the person who felt the need to emphasize how much time Boners spends on FML (I'm too lazy/apathetic to see who it was): The only way you'd know that is if you spent the same amount of time here. The only difference between you two is that people know/like/hate on him, and no one takes a second look at you. :D

you guys trying to one-up the OP are cool.

orangeduck 6

No need to get so crabby. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. If someone doesn't believe you're funny then so be it. I bet you don't say 97.678% of the things you say on FML in public.

sucks haha. I only have to walk half a kilometer