By hiker - 29/03/2011 19:00 - United States

Today, my dad said that if I walked home from school, a distance of 8 miles, he would give me $50. Two hours and four massive blisters later, I come home. When I asked for my money, he said "I was kidding." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 539
You deserved it 14 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dum_dum1 0

you should have just caught a ride with some friends and had them drop you off down the road. work smarter not harder. dumbass!!

If only every American would do this, mabey we could decrease our nation's obesity.


guy0ne101 0

k because you can tottaly walk a mile in 16 minutes and keep that average for 8 miles, okay

well I go to school in japan, I have to walk and smim there and back everyday! and I'm 93! beat that:)

orangeduck 6

That'd be just swell. I'll take 6 of those, to go. Like I give a flying poop if I get banned. If I cared would I say all this chiz?

clarissa_Gyall 0

Okay? your point? I have to take either the bus to the metro to get to school or the bus to the train staition.

hellogoodbye1996 6

129 your scrawny ass does not lift every day.

clarissa_Gyall 0

WOW!!! I take the train or the metro to school, I kickbox, dance and play basketball...oh and I'm 18 SMH