By hiker - 29/03/2011 19:00 - United States

Today, my dad said that if I walked home from school, a distance of 8 miles, he would give me $50. Two hours and four massive blisters later, I come home. When I asked for my money, he said "I was kidding." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 539
You deserved it 14 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dum_dum1 0

you should have just caught a ride with some friends and had them drop you off down the road. work smarter not harder. dumbass!!

If only every American would do this, mabey we could decrease our nation's obesity.


sixfoot2 0

ok then I would grab the money and RUN my couz walked 4 miles everyday to go to school

wow. knock the sand out of your ****** and join the infantry son.

orangeduck 6

Errrr, rofl I have no reply to that.... x)

orangeduck 6

true I was bored and decided to troll... looks like I got all you jabronies :D

8 miles I agree with iiCaptian QUIT BITCHING you pussy

If I wasn't planning on walking home and wore the wrong shoes I'd have blisters too. And if I tried walking eight miles I'd probably die because I have asthma. And before anyone goes off about me being out of shape, I don't have a car and walk everywhere that's within a few miles.

orangeduck 6

Lol I won't be commenting again so..... I guess this is good bye ;(

Also, if you actually knew your Dad, you wouldn't have believed him unless that was his first time ever lying to you, which I doubt