By hiker - 29/03/2011 19:00 - United States

Today, my dad said that if I walked home from school, a distance of 8 miles, he would give me $50. Two hours and four massive blisters later, I come home. When I asked for my money, he said "I was kidding." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 539
You deserved it 14 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dum_dum1 0

you should have just caught a ride with some friends and had them drop you off down the road. work smarter not harder. dumbass!!

If only every American would do this, mabey we could decrease our nation's obesity.


tell him to fork over the cash, or you'll flatten his car tires....and that your NOT kidding!!

Wow did u show him the blisters? Maybe that will change his mind! What a cruel dad you have, am sorry :(

aww that sucks. As said by others before me, i wouls take the money out of his wallet. Lol but then again if I weren't set on the money, i'd probably let it go. I walk 2 miles to and from school and it's all uphill to and downhill from school each weekday so walking isn't a big thing for me but I understand to some it may be a big deal and might be quite a bit of physical work... But hang in there OP karma will get your dad someday :)

Yea great, except that the reason why she decided to walk in the first place was because her father promised her he will pay her 50 bux! It wasn't because she didn't have a car or couldn't ride the bus!

edteach 0

131, a mile in 15 minutes is absurdly slow, j srsly op consider getting out more, an 8 mile walk should not mess you up that bad, it's a sign your not being nice to your body, unplug and go for a jog 3 times a week or swim or do something active, you will be suprized what you body can do... Easily..

joa76 3

It's actually faster than average, not even remotely close to absurdly slow. It's only SLIGHTLY above average, so it's really nothing impressive, but it's absolutely not slow.

Will you give it a rest now? It really is ridiculously slow. And everyone who actually walks regularly seems to agree.

Is there some reason you people are so concerned with one commenter? If you find someone funny, either thumb him up or say "lol" and move on. If you don't, just move on. Telling someone he isn't funny will get you nowhere, and it's liable to get you called a cockweasel or something similar. ******* douchenozzles.

you think you have it bad? my school is an hour's dive away.