By Anonymous - 18/03/2015 07:06 - United States

Today, my dad spent 30 minutes incorrectly correcting me about our legal system. He thinks he knows more than me because he's been divorced twice. I'm a lawyer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 150
You deserved it 2 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Steffi3 40

Sounds like he's divorced for a reason

Wow, he must be AWFUL at courting. Huehuehue


There's different types of lawyers. Civil, criminal, etc. OP might not work specifically with divorce cases, thus his dad might think he's smarter in that area so he continues to argue. Even though he never went to law school and is probably ignorant to the entire system in general. Sorry OP, especially if you DO work with those types of cases.

Even when you're involved with a lawyer you still don't pick up what 4 years of education will teach you. I'm a landlord and would never dream that I know more about landlord-tenant laws than an actual lawyer. Though I do know more than the average layperson.

Being divorced twice doesn't make you smarter then actual lawyers. Yes, she might not be a divorce attorney but there is no way in hell her dad, who has never attended law school, knows more then his daughter who went to law school for 3 years and then passed the bar.

Grin and take it like the good son you are, and know inside you are right.

150493x 29

He'll give Ross Gellar a run for his money

Throw the law books at him, and Judge.

usmc_sean 8

Men don't like being proved wrong lmao

Now I see why hes divorced. Dont listen to him op. Hes just trying to seem like a know it all dad.

honestly sorry OP but i really can't stand when people talk about things like they're so smart when they actually know nothing. guess you just gotta patiently explain that you're much more informed ??

some people learn through education and some people learn through experience...can't blame any...

Dads!! My dad used to semi diagnose people with conditions just because it happened to him! He's a contractor. You deserve it. Lol

Why does she deserve to have a dad who's thinks he's smarter than her when he's clearly not? Acting like you're smarter then everyone else doesn't make you funny, it sure as hell doesn't make you look smart. It just makes you look like an dumb asshole. No wonder this asshole has been divorced twice, if he treats his kid like that then I wonder how he treated his wives. This dad and your dad are just more examples of people who need to shut up and think before they speak.