By jgdgjyfg - 25/07/2011 07:21 - United Kingdom

Today, my dad taped a picture of me to the fridge with "Do not feed the she-beast" written on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 178
You deserved it 8 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just tape a picture of himto the fridge saying '**** you'

eminemchick 19

at least it wasnt "Do not feed the wild snorlax"


That's so mean! You should start bringing flyers for really awful seniors homes around and ask him what he'll be able to afford on his own.

wolfpack2206 1

lmfao!! damn now thats hilarious, just cut down on the eating n then ur good

FHL cuz you don't have a sense of humor.

lol your dads awesome, don't take it too hard op, it seems as though he was just kidding around

WinterBlue42 22

I wouldn't call this an FYL or a YDI. Unless you are obese, I suspect your dad was just kidding! I hope. .