By garage - 27/01/2010 06:21 - France

Today, my dad thought it'd be funny to put an Edward Cullen cutout behind my car as I backed it out the garage to see my reaction. Oh it was funny alright, except I was so scared that when I saw him through the mirror I reacted by stepping on the gas. We now have half a garage door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 722
You deserved it 8 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

realggirl 0

Hehe. (: *He* deserved that one.

I approve of your attempt to murder Ed Cullen. If I saw a glittery gay vampire I'd probably try to mow him down with my car too.


mcgugs 0

you weren't scared....deep inside you you know you pressed the gas pedal because you wanted to run him over once and for all...

We need a link to click for "Your father deserved it."

davek 36

Your dad deserved it. And so did Edward.

I can see it if they are going in reverse to get out of the garage, because you wouldn't really see the cutout, or that the cutout wasn't a real person, until the garage raised up to the cutout's face. Going forward though? I would think that you would be able to see the cutout (given you were paying attention) and it wouldn't of been so bad. Either way, wouldn't their foot be on the brake? It'd take some thinking to go straight for the gas. Fake or not, it definitely sucks. I'd love to hear the conversation between your father and the insurance rep!

jimjimson 0

Why is your car on while the garage door is closed? Isn't that kind of dangerous?

hehe, why did you have an edward cullen cutout?

YDI for being that much of an Edward Cullen fan

LadyKaya 0

obviously wasn't enough of a fan to not run him over with her car

"Today, my dad thought it'd be funny to put an Edward Cullen cutout behind my car as I backed it out the garage to see my reaction." Everyone screaming "FAKE YOU DON'T BACK OUT WHEN IT'S CLOSED LOL" please read that again. It's poorly phased (possibly because of the character limit on FMLs) as it implies that the OP's dad put it there AS they were backing out. I think the OP's dad most likely put it there before they even got up. Most garages I have been in are dark, meaning that spotting it might have been difficult, until there was more light let into the garage. Lots of people have remote control garage door, and they are all slow as shit, so I imagine the routine went "Get into car, start door opening, start engine, glance in mirror, see face, panic and slam on the gas, hit the door while it is still opening." Granted, this leaves a lot to chance, but a lot of FMLs are based on a series of coincidences. Have a little faith.

yourlifesfucked 0

OP took one for the team. so you may have a mangled car and half a door. cheer up! you succeeded in destroying a shitty piece of memorobilia from the worst drivel ever! if you are a gitl op i would date you, and if ur a guy i would give you a high five.