By Anonymous - 28/12/2013 00:05 - New Zealand - Christchurch

Today, my dad thought it would be funny to wake me up by sprinkling catnip over me then dropping my cat on top of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 211
You deserved it 3 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pandabrr 12

Do the same when he's sleeping.

Your dad isn't the only one who thinks it's funny. *adds this to List Of Things To Do To My Children When They Become Teenagers And Piss Me Off*


Might have also figured that that was the only way you were going to get any pussy. He's just trying to help you out!

TallMist 32

#31 Now, let's not assume here. OP could very well be gay, bisexual, pansexual, or bicurious just as easily as she could be straight.

Looks like I found a way to wake up my girlfriend.

Yeah 18, it kinda has the potential to.

Did he remember to videotape it? That sounds like good YouTube material!

Well that's an awkward wake up...does it claw? If do then I suggest getting it declawed if this is gonna be a reoccurring thing.

please do some research on declawing. its actually pretty cruel...

cheesy_wotsit 20

Declaw a cat??? Suggest you get your knuckles removed whilst you're at it!

So, did you cuss your dad out, or did the cat get your tongue, too?

Or did she have respect for her parents?

forget respect. I don't care if youre the queen. you do that and you are getting cussed out. making a baby doesn't mean you deserve respect. its how you treat and raise that baby into an adult that determines whether or not you deserve respect

TrollingStalker 16

That is the evilest thing I can imagine.

raininginseattle 9

Wonder where the snooze button is on that thing?

beaverteaser 16

My mom used to wake me up by playing with our puppy (the dog in my profile pic) until he was hyper and then setting him on my bed. There's no wake up call quite like getting your head pounced on and ears chewed.