By ZeroApostle4Ever - 23/02/2012 08:00 - United States

Today, my dad threw a waffle at my face for his own amusement. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 080
You deserved it 6 604

Same thing different taste


(^.^)># >.< Yeah I'll go back to my corner now.

caitybear32 0

Im sorry but that is hilarious :D

now u get too eat homeless people kill for that

Eat it dummy! It was a great moment in your life, not an FML! Waffles=foodgasmic

Drekavak 0

Shut up you're not funny. ******* lame.

You're not a hard ass either. I do not find your comment necessary since you don't even know the person who posted this FML. How would you know if they're funny or not??

Abusive? Seems funny and light, but could be seen as demeaning...

KevLar33 4

That.... Is....... AWESOME!!!!!!

skittlesmeep 4

LOL Bet you threw food at him while you were a baby :D just a lil payback I guess