By ZeroApostle4Ever - 23/02/2012 08:00 - United States

Today, my dad threw a waffle at my face for his own amusement. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 080
You deserved it 6 604

Same thing different taste


taaaaaylor 0

I'm jealous of you! You have one of those cool dads!????

blegehlehgleh 0

Do you like waffles? I'm assuming no...

Why else would he throw a waffle at your face?

kristenleanne09 4

Better then a meatball or jello smashed in my face or a egg filled with flour on Easter.. Even worse a normal egg.. What a doughy Easter, parents sigh* lol

Was it covered with whipping cream and strawberries?

pimpnainteasy 5

I can almost bet you put it on a plate and ate it

Ahahaha. Buttered or with syrup and powdered sugar?

Throw it back at him for your own amusement.