By MIB thingy please... - 05/02/2015 01:21 - United States - Oregon City

By MIB thingy please... - 05/02/2015 01:21 - United States - Oregon City
By whoawhoawhoa - 28/12/2010 22:04 - Canada
By ohdeargodthatswrong - 09/01/2010 13:25 - United Kingdom
By so_screwed - 25/09/2013 06:59 - United States - Salinas
By soontobedumped - 15/01/2012 19:26 - United States
By xtilltheendx - 05/10/2020 20:08 - United States
By sometingwong - 01/12/2011 20:32 - United States
By oopsies - 08/01/2010 01:07 - United States
By wastedlove - 23/06/2009 15:14 - United States
By Anonymous - 22/05/2010 23:22 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/02/2013 05:08 - United Kingdom - Frome
Good luck
As opposed to the inside of his penis???
I mean, I've heard the outside the ****** feels pretty good on the inside of the penis.
How is that possible?
A romantic what? (don't downvote me)
49, You were down voted for telling me not to. Don't tell me how to run my life.
"Don't downvote me." As if that would actually work.
@62, Damn straight. Fight the power!! (And downvotewhentoldnottowith6.99$processing&handling)
And telling me this would be the last way to get into my ******.
It's the last way? Implying that it could still work?
41, I was thinking the same thing.? If that were true I'd use that line as my last resort...not. What an idiot.
Technically, what ever way works is the last way. Why would you try other ways after you have succeeded. Its like saying you found something in the last place you looked.
That boy needs a lesson in how to talk dirty.
And safe sex.
#8 and a lesson WHEN to talk dirty.
#23 I guess it was too hard for him to say in a romantic manner 'I want to feel the of the outside of my penis touch a condom as it touches the inside of your ******'.
There's a time and place for everything. The real question here is are you actually dating because if he's not your boyfriend and this was just a date then that's much too soon to start creepily whispering sexual comments within earshot of the parents.
#9 I think any time is too soon to start making sexual comments within ear shot of parents
It can be exciting under the right circumstances such as if they're nearby but if you whisper low enough they won't hear it adds that thrill of possibly getting caught. Not everyone enjoys that little spike of fear though so you really have to know the other person well. What he said though would never be considered "sexy" under any circumstance
I can understand the thrill of getting caught being arousing with some situations, such as playing in public, etc. But involving your parents in your sex life is pretty ****** up.
Who said anything about "involving"them in their sex life. I just mentioned that they might be in the same room while sexual comments were whispered not that they'd hear and be a part of the conversation
You're involving them by getting aroused by their presence. They do not actually have to be physically involved and yet they are still part of your foreplay.
Very smooth.
hahaha sounds like you got a real winner there
And that's when your dad when into serial killer mode.
As opposed to the inside of his penis???