By stillaproudfather - 22/05/2014 19:24 - United States

Today, my daughter admitted why her grades, which are usually straight A's, have been slipping the past few weeks. Turns out she has been deliberately failing tests to avoid becoming valedictorian, so she won't have to deliver a speech at graduation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 936
You deserved it 6 717

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cjwayy 22

Sounds like she has social anxiety or something of the sort. Ask her why she's afraid of giving a speech maybe?

hahaha that's a hard worker you've got there


You're right, this is absolutely terrible! FYL indeed, OP.

I have purposely not turned in an extra credit essay to avoid having to read it outloud even though it was the difference between an C and B. Speaking just makes me really anxious and she might have that too. Dont be too hard on her, especially if she still has A's.

I used to shake and cry while giving speeches. They're so hard for me so I do not blame the girl. Maybe she does the same thing and doesn't want to be teased.

I've passed out while giving a speech and thrown up before one. It was terrifying to me to have a whole class stare at me while I delivered a 5 minute speech in 30 seconds out of terror. I don't blame OP's daughter for not wanting to have to go through that in front of not just a class, but the whole graduating class plus teachers plus strangers. I would die. It was hard enough to walk across the stage and get my diploma without saying a word. I still ended up tripping I was shaking so hard in fear.

OP, Your username inspires my faith in people, the fact you remain proud of your daughter is admirable especially when you consider how twisted some parents become when trying to push their kids too hard - she'll overcome her anxieties eventually good luck to her and you OP.

This was my plan to avoid Valedictorian. Speeches are humiliating.

thee_most_dope 30

Social anxiety for the win! I would've done the same thing. Screw speeches, let us suffer in silence lol

Back in high school I purposely dropped my grades in algebra since all I needed was algebra 2 credit and teacher wanted to put me in year long calculus class with WAY more homework :)

As someone who was valedictorian and had horrible trouble with writing a speech, I'm pretty sure that your daughter has the right to say no to giving a speech while still having the honor bestowed upon her.