By Anonymous - 07/12/2012 04:49 - United States - Moorhead

Today, my daughter finally gave birth to twin boys. She informed me that she named them Peregrin Took and Meriadoc Brandybuck. My grandsons are named after Hobbits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 288
You deserved it 6 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can drink your fancy ales you can drink em by the flagon but the only brew for the brave and true... comes from the green dragon.


It honestly baffles me how most of the people commenting appear to not see anything wrong with naming your kids after hobbits

Because it isn't. People name their children after fairytale heroes* all the time, how is it wrong to have names after an extensively known work of fiction? [*] I mean the Christian Saints of course ;)

Considering the kids named after things like Siri and Hashtags, hobbits just don't seem that bad.

Right? I think these names are much better than the name "Addrinalyn", because that's what a twelve year old names her child'

16 - I agree with you! I love LOTR and don't see the problem with naming children in reference to things close to you but in this case it's too direct (using both names AND on both kids so there's no chance of someone not figuring it out) and the names themselves, whilst pretty, are rather long and complicated and not very common nowadays (nothing wrong with uncommon names but surely you can agree that it may lead to at least some bullying/shunning). A child's name should still be their own name not an exact copy of someone else.

cmanaus 3

The truth is the majority of the time when people think they're being very creative with names, other people are picking the same names so I doubt the kids will take too much flack for it and 24, that was funny. Hope you like the heat though;)

AphyTheBronette 15

Yea I my name is Aphrodite... Never had any one look at me weird about it. My parents are into Ancient Greek mythology. I don't see the big deal.

Yeah, if I had a kid I would name them something normal. I don't want them to wind up with Special Snowflake Syndrome.

My name is Samantha and people called me Samanda and Samanturd. It doesn't matter if you have a normal name or not, it depends completely on your personality and how other children were raised.

desireev 17

It could be worse... She could have named them "#" or "7". Poor kids...

MEM0817 18

I actually know of a woman who did name her son "Seven"

You literally know people named that.. Wow people and their weird names these days.

KM96 24

Oh I'm embarrassed for them ... When they get to school years. "So who where you named after?"

suitgirl5 5

A hobbit who helped save Gondor that's who!!

I hope they're not short. peregrin is kinda nice, imo...

well... pippin and merry are the tallest hobbits recorded in recent history (recent shire history that is)

At least they were not named something like Hashtag.

BlackBlazeCobra 16

I'm no LotR fan so I just find that weird. I feel so bad for those boys; they will be teased to no end when they're in school. Not to mention there's a good chance they'll hate LotR too.

Why is there a good chance they'll hate it? That's almost like saying everyone named Harry has a good chance of hating Harry Potter. They might like it, they might hate it. At least they got named after two of the more well known characters.

Not necessarily. I'm named after a character in a book, and it's become one of my favorites.

I was named after Nikki Taylor, except my first name is her last name I think. Not sure, all I know is she's a model.

BlackBlazeCobra 16

53- At least Harry is a normal name

Because Harry is an actual name? Honestly, I'm guessing all the people who think it's cute and adorbs to name your kid after Superman or Gandalf or Sephiroth or Sailor Moon have absolutely no idea what children are like. Children will bully the everloving shit out of you if you think your name is the slightest bit odd. Why would any parent willingly make their kid a target?

"I may name my child Albus Severus one day!" Let me guess, you think you're somehow much better then the people who think Renesmee is a suitable name for a child, correct?

strawberrywine22 30

I think those are awesome names!! Much better than all the Renesmees that are being born...