By Anonymous - 07/12/2012 04:49 - United States - Moorhead

Today, my daughter finally gave birth to twin boys. She informed me that she named them Peregrin Took and Meriadoc Brandybuck. My grandsons are named after Hobbits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 288
You deserved it 6 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can drink your fancy ales you can drink em by the flagon but the only brew for the brave and true... comes from the green dragon.


Thats sad in a almost pathetic way congratulations anyway

That is absolutely awesome. "Fool of a Took" when Perry does something stupid. Or "find the halflings" you will be screaming if they go missing.

PeytonBieda 8

Hey, at least it's not Dovahkiin.

That is awesome. I wish my mother had thought of that

JoeGrant 12

Lord are you ang-ring. Hopefully your daughter doesn't make a hobbit out of this for future children.

saffy66 34

Oh well the registry of births might not accept those names anyway, but if they do at least be thankful your daughter didn't have twin girls & name them Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Lily and Pilot Inspektor, or follow the lead of Frank Zappa & name them Moon Unit & Dweezil. It could have been so much worse!