By oh dear - 25/10/2009 09:06 - France

Today, my daughter threw a can of hairspray into the fireplace because she saw someone do it on YouTube. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 319
You deserved it 5 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha, I think someone needs to restrict access to the internet, lol

In other words: "I fail as a parent, Internet is raising my kids." I agree, **** your life. And **** your kids' lives, too.


Tell her you just saw somebody get a real fierce assbeating on Youtube.

LOL. She watches RayWilliamJohnson, doesn't she? I saw that same video.

make the retard watch this and pray she recreates it

Not enuff info. How old is the kid? What happened?!?

everyone has to do it sometime. its the rules.

did the youtube video not display why it was a bad idea? I bet it did, your kid wont make it a whole lot longer.

DJ_NiveK 0

Can I have a link to this video?

LMFAO no internet for my kids 'til they're about in Grade 6-8.