By oh dear - 25/10/2009 09:06 - France

Today, my daughter threw a can of hairspray into the fireplace because she saw someone do it on YouTube. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 319
You deserved it 5 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha, I think someone needs to restrict access to the internet, lol

In other words: "I fail as a parent, Internet is raising my kids." I agree, **** your life. And **** your kids' lives, too.


Is it safe to fireplace this? i am your host (name of little girl)

theice 0

shouldn't let ur child on the computer

is the hairspray ok? wat did the spray ever do to the girl? gosh....

I think your retarded daughter saw it from one of my friends who coincidentally has that same YouTube video

parental monitoring: you have none. ydi.

madisonleighx14 0

wow. people can be mean! but just restrict the Internet, haha.

Youtube will one day be a supreme ruler, we will all have to obey lol. Well kids these days get up to more and more everyday.