By grrr1234 - 01/07/2012 16:00

Today, my daughter told me that she wanted to live with her father because they have a faster internet connection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 678
You deserved it 6 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is there anything to value more in life than this?

And so the gaming generation for girls keeps growing... :3


Say hello to our future generation(:

acetheone 8

that's a valid reason OP, no one likes a slow connection. FYL for having slow internet.

rightspark 7

Sounds like she doesn't care about any of you, just the high speed. Tell her if she wants faster Internet find a job and pay for it yourself. I started working when I was 11

Misskreher 30

You can't legally get a job when you're 11.

skullofdarkness 18

Let the kid be with her father then. Who cares so long as she's happy. Don't be self centered op

That's normal.. If a grown up man/woman would "throw" his/her parent in an eldary house when they are old and weak, whereas he/she wouldn't do that to his/her pet... Therefore, it's not surprising to be materialistic when choosing to live between mum and dad!

Faster internet = more ****! Oh yeah!

Misskreher 30

I wanted to live with my mom until my dad got high speed internet because I have my kittens and we had bunnies and he got a laptop.

pearljamfan192 5