By grrr1234 - 01/07/2012 16:00

Today, my daughter told me that she wanted to live with her father because they have a faster internet connection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 678
You deserved it 6 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is there anything to value more in life than this?

And so the gaming generation for girls keeps growing... :3


Iamme30069 5

Are you my mom cause my sis just said that

thatKidzmOm 10

Tell her to get ready to go to her dads...but that she isn't allowed to bring ANYTHING with her that you bought for her. Nothing. No clothes, computer, phone...nooooothing!!! She's ungrateful and maybe this'll open her eyes a bit. Make her believe you're serious. Scare her a bit

She probably has all those things at her dads's house anyway.

Time to break out the big guns. Wifi and a wii.

Hahahah. Internet is life these days.

see kids are spoiled these days , id love to see a black out half the people would be walking around going crazy cause they got no internet .

WiFi is wireless Internet. And the daughter wants a faster Internet connection. What was your point again, 4?

Do you mean because "he" has a faster internet connection?

There are worse reasons she could have wanted to stay with her dad. She could have yelled she hated you or something, which a lot of kids do these days...