By Anonymous - 06/08/2013 15:19 - United States - Decatur

Today, my daughter, who was born in late 2000, mentioned how amazing it is that she'll be alive during the year 3000. I asked her exactly how old she thinks she'll be by then. She said, "Thirty, duh." I've screwed up as a parent, so very badly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 657
You deserved it 15 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you ask her the explain this logic? I want to know her secret & live until the year 3000. You never know OP, she could be the next Albert Einstein.

What if OP's daughter created a time machine and plans on traveling to the year 3000 when she turns 30? And she can bring all of their technology and solutions to our time and creates a paradox where our past is more advanced than their future and therefore creates a cycle where the future's ultra advanced technology comes to our time and makes the future even more advanced? BOOM MINDFUCK


jayellef 3

If she's only thirteen sit her down and do some math problems with her. Don't let her think this is correct or else as she gets older she will become more math challenged.

Gee your are a mean parent.. I love the stuff children say...and really depends on the age of the child too

AlysonC_fml 1

It's okay. I mean, being the same age as your daughter doesn't mean that I can completely understand her logic, but honestly, all I can advise you to do is sit her down and explain that the average lifespan of a human is 79 years... She'll learn eventually.

Being surrounded by idiotic thirteen year olds makes me ashamed of being thirteen too.

When I was 13, I thought 30 was about the same as "nearly dead."

I just... really?? What happened to kids today? I'm kind of scared..