By Anonymous - 06/08/2013 15:19 - United States - Decatur

Today, my daughter, who was born in late 2000, mentioned how amazing it is that she'll be alive during the year 3000. I asked her exactly how old she thinks she'll be by then. She said, "Thirty, duh." I've screwed up as a parent, so very badly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 657
You deserved it 15 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you ask her the explain this logic? I want to know her secret & live until the year 3000. You never know OP, she could be the next Albert Einstein.

What if OP's daughter created a time machine and plans on traveling to the year 3000 when she turns 30? And she can bring all of their technology and solutions to our time and creates a paradox where our past is more advanced than their future and therefore creates a cycle where the future's ultra advanced technology comes to our time and makes the future even more advanced? BOOM MINDFUCK


Hey, it could be possible to live till than since we have 3D printers. Any part that fails, print it and walaaaaa!!!

QueenOrangeSoda 21

Holy crap. I was born in late 2000 as well! Was she born on November 13 by any chance? 'Cause that would be an epic coincidence, seeing that I've never known someone else with my birth date.

aznpeaks 7

Ya'll don't need to be so harsh on her, I mean it is technically possible by Einstein's theory of relativity. Time dilation causes us to age slower than our surroundings, and happens from as slow as the speed of driving a car down the road! (but only really noticeable at 80%+ the speed of light)

caitiebug1119 15

So...does she think she's 20 right now? Or she's counting on the theory of reincarnation proving true, and she thinks she'll be reborn in 2970?

It wasn't your fault, OP! I'm sure you're a wonderful parent! It's not your fault your daughter isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed... But hey, it can't be helped...

tigergirl123 7

Did anyone else think of the Jonas Brothers song "Year 3000" while reading this?!

Psycho_Babydoll 26

Busted. The song is by Busted. *head/wall*

relax she's still young to completely understand

harrisoncohix 5

Ah, but what's her power level?

epilepticloh 20

You should ask her how old she'll be in 2100