By amanda - 23/07/2013 05:17 - United States - Lafayette

Today, my doctor told me that I suffer from orgasm migraines. Basically, I get an intense migraine that lasts for hours after I have an orgasm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 965
You deserved it 4 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unfortunately, you can't be pleasured without extra pain.. You have my condolences

"Not tonight dear, I'm going to have a headache."


if you fake it, do you also get a fake migraine too??

Goblin182 26

Damn, nothing left to live for.

there goes your sex life :( lol just bring out the painkillers!!

PeaceIsFree 9

It could be a sign of a brain tumor. I read about this person who got migraines when she went to ****** and that was her diagnosis. Get back to that doctor!!

Before you have sex take medicine for a migraine.

Take a Tylenol 20 minutes before things begin. Alternatively, 2 to 3 glasses of wine. Your condition is probably caused by narrow blood vessels in your skull, so taking an aspirin a day will probably help to thin your blood and ease the pressure. Give it a go. :-)

I'm so sorry for this awful situation. My condolences. Really. When I go without an ******, I get migraines. If it were the other way around..I have no idea what id do with myself.

Do you know, it's exactly the same with me. Try propping yourself against a pillow during the ******.