By amanda - 23/07/2013 05:17 - United States - Lafayette

Today, my doctor told me that I suffer from orgasm migraines. Basically, I get an intense migraine that lasts for hours after I have an orgasm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 965
You deserved it 4 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unfortunately, you can't be pleasured without extra pain.. You have my condolences

"Not tonight dear, I'm going to have a headache."


If you are very tense, it might do that when you relax (orgasms) but it could stop, if you release tension more pften, in different situations... Cause then your orgasms wouldn't be the only time your body relaxes.... It may not be that, but that's what sometimes happens to me....

stephhrunsaway 21

At least YOU can ****** :-(

I think you emphasized the wrong word there, shouldn't it be "you CAN ******"? Or are you implying that YOU can't?

stephhrunsaway 21

I'm saying it because I can't ******. Still sucks about the migraines though.

How do you get a nun pregnant? Dress her up like a chior boy.

KiddNYC1O 20

Shit, I'm reminded of vasovagal syncope.

Darren22 12

one of the saddest post ever :(

graceinsheepwear 33

Premedicate with a triptan like imitrex, naproxen, and 400 mg of vitamin B2, riboflavin. Magnesium also helps. And get to a specialized headache center. I lost my 30s and much of my life to migraines that have only gotten better in the few years since menopause. They know more now than they use to. Seek specialized care. Please.

scoobydoo75060 7
nosybear13 7

I'm really disturbed that this has my name on it lol

So do I. It doesn't happen every time, but often enough to piss me off. I feel your pain.