By Anonymous - 06/02/2012 10:38 - United States

Today, my downstairs neighbor died. I knew because the smell wafted up to my apartment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 076
You deserved it 2 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I had a pet mouse die in the heating ducts once... if it smelled remotely close to that I am SO SORRY.


hateevryone 14

omg. that's sad. the poor person didn't have any one to come check on him.

thats funny as you dont smell death until roughly 24 hours

Colonel_Lexi 18

I used to volunteer at a hospital and I disinfected the deceases' beds. I understand why OP is disgusted. RIP downstairs neighbor.

monkiki62 5

Damn why do dead people gotta stink so bad. Ruins ur day. Lol

caitybear32 0

Ewwww gross but i feel bad for him :( that he had to stay down there and die and then his body laid there for that long? Thats horrible!

jaystreet46 4

Prolly didn't die today, then!

It usually takes more than a day for the smell to waft anywhere...I don't believe that he died the (today) day that you posted...usually takes 3-7 days....maybe should have been "Today, I finally realized that my neighbor died within the last week or so because the smell has wafted it way up to my apartment"

What's with all the "Someone in my vicinity died, so let's talk about how it inconvenienced ME" FMLs lately? Are people really this self-centered?