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By BarhydtBran - 18/08/2015 01:55 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my drill sergeant was yelling at me and asking me questions. I got a question wrong, and he asked me if I am a "Shit Sandwich". I replied "Yes sir, with extra cheese." I'm running miles till the day I die. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 108
You deserved it 11 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rule #1 of military training, don't talk back man. Have you not seen full metal jacket?

cat4651 15

You had to have known that talking back would probably end badly.


grogers311 20

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Rule #1 of military training, don't talk back man. Have you not seen full metal jacket?

JMichael 25

I didn't know they stacked shit that high!

kaylae22 13

That's bull shit! U now have insulted so many people! My bc is in the military and he would beat you for that comment

hobbs96 26

As far as rules go, I'm pretty sure they don't get phones at basic. I know my husband had zero contact besides writing letters at boot camp. So I'm wondering how he wrote this.

I think Rule #14 is: You are not as funny as you think you are. (Unless you're named Skippy, anyway.)

cat4651 15

You had to have known that talking back would probably end badly.

mariathehoe 15

Jesus Christ man, have you not seen all those military movies?

totally agree with # 3 why would u do that? what exactly were u expecting?

And did you proceed to cut the cheese after saying "Yes sir, with extra cheese."?