By maxedoutidiot - 13/12/2012 02:14 - United States

Today, my drunk girlfriend maxed out my credit card, on an "authentic" Jesus Christ autograph on eBay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 893
You deserved it 5 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait a minute.. Your girlfriend is the one who beat me to it!

Report it as a fraudulent charge, dump her, and move on. Bullet: dodge.


yup93 7

Pray to God and ask him for a miracle, a new girlfriend and refund?

I always thought of Jesus as a humble, modest man. But now that your girlfriend uncovered the truth about the autographs... I just don't know what to believe anymore....

scubaairpig 7

Fake, everyone knows eBay would refund the money on a fake auction. Not to mention the credit card company would reverse that in a heartbeat. Stop posting fake bs.

At least you can make some money by selling her that authentic Virgin Mary autograph you've been holding onto. I'm sure she'd love two biblical autographs.

Was I the only one who looked on eBay to see what I could find? Lol

I did too. I looked in completed listings for things that have sold, but there wasn't anything claiming to be jesus' autograph. There was something from the church of jesus and the latter day saints that went for almost $5000 just the other day. Maybe it was that lol.

tcdaboss 2

Who authenticated it back then?