By OakStake - 08/12/2013 22:07 - United States - New York

Today, my elderly neighbor along with our community church's priest came to my house and demanded to "give them the girl". The girl is my 3-year-old daughter, who has natural born red irises and is photo-sensitive. And yes, we are also Romanian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 321
You deserved it 3 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people are just crazy, don't mind them. I'm sure your daughter is beautiful.

VengeanceChicken 12

Just slowly close the door and whisper "Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnneeeeee...."


Get proof she is your daughter and put a restraining order on both of them and tell them to piss off, they have no right coming to your door and demanding your child. My 3 kids look nothing like me and look like their dad, I have olive skin while their dad is white and they have white skin, I actually get asked if they are my children or are they adopted -_- adopted or not still rude to ask. I actually know of a mum at my youngest daycare that looks 30 and gets asked if they are her grand kids or is she babysitting, she married an African man and she has pale skin also, the nerve of some people.

Yes, seriously OP, call the cops. If these people are deranged enough to come to your door and demand that you hand over your child, they're dangerous. Sane people don't do this. And if they're willing to go as far to confront you about your daughter needing a priest, they're likely to do something else, like kidnap her "for the good of the community".

The nerve of some peole my God what's this world coming to

Jeez, poor girl. It's wonderful to have something that unique, in my opinion. I suggest you talk with your neighbor and tell her how outright inconsiderate and cruel it was to do that. Next time it happens, call the police. Remind your child that she is beautiful and not to let mean comments from others bother her.

That it looks cool doesn't mean it is: you burn in the sun easily, can get eye problems, is extra susceptible to skin cancer and infections... it's not only about the looks and albinos aren't really lucky to be albino...

Does her hair happen to be naturally white as well? In many cases albinism (a lack of pigmentation (color) resulting in pale skin, red irises, and white hair) is also accompanied by photosensitivity. It is a beautiful mutation (I personally know someone who has it), though the sensitivity to light does have some rather obvious drawbacks. http:/

Mysterion345 11

Screw the cops and screw the restraining order, get yourself a .45 and shoot them should they step foot on your property.

You should consider either moving away or filing a restraining order against this man before he tries something to harm her. At least that's just what I would do considering they went demanding your child!

Highly recommend to move away from that church and protect your daughter.