By OakStake - 08/12/2013 22:07 - United States - New York

Today, my elderly neighbor along with our community church's priest came to my house and demanded to "give them the girl". The girl is my 3-year-old daughter, who has natural born red irises and is photo-sensitive. And yes, we are also Romanian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 321
You deserved it 3 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people are just crazy, don't mind them. I'm sure your daughter is beautiful.

VengeanceChicken 12

Just slowly close the door and whisper "Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnneeeeee...."


Nothing a couple bullets flying at them can't fix

That proves there are idiots everywhere! For stupid action I would have my kid wear vamp fangs , then again they are too stupid and would harm her. Keep a close eye on your little one.

People like that gave Sarah Palin a job on Fox news and keep rush Limbaugh on the air. Stupid people...have you never seen the others?

Well I'd say its time to move. I'd be paranoid someone would take my child.

Time to call the cops or the nut house

fuckmylife518 15

I hope you didn't let them take her.

skyeyez9 24

I saw a little girl who looked about 2-3yrs old sitting in a shopping cart at the grocery store. Her back was turned and she had a huge, thick head of white hair. I initially thought she was playing dress up and wore a white wig. As I Walked past, she turned to look at me, and I saw the red eyes, pale skin and white eyebrows. I never saw an albino in person before. The red eyes were very striking. Also wtf were they thinking? That you will just hand her over?! They would probably kill her by "beating the demons out."

This is one issue I have with religious nuts. I've seen cases of "curing homosexuality" that has ended up killing the person they were "trying to 'treat'." Along with exorcisms for "demons" when it was just a mental disorder and could've been controlled by medication or therapy. What really irks me is when a child is dying painfully slow and they're refused medical treatment by their parents in favour of prayer and then end up dying anyway.

skyeyez9 24

Its not only religious nuts who kill when they try to "help." Ever heard of "re birthing therapy." Its done by psychologists and they try to recreate the birth experience by covering a kid with a bunch of blankets, lay on them, weigh them down and force them to squeeze out. Kids have suffocated and died during this crackpot "therapy." I dont recall the reason why this crap was used in the first place though.

skyeyez9 24

New age BS or not, kids have died from that so called therapy. And its now banned. My point is crazy comes in all types of backgrounds, religious or not. Its not the last bullshit therapy technique that will pop up and end up killing people either.

Rax_fml 6

That's an awesome baby person!!

What does her being Romanian have to do with this? Nothing about Romanian's even crossed my mind while reading this. Is there some stereotype I'm missing?

Vampires, demons ware wolves and the like are commonly associated with Romania. Ever heard of Dracula. He was a real king who drank the blood of his enemies to be stronger and he lived for a longer amount of time than normal. The legends about Dracula being a vampire all stem from this. And he was Romanian.

Sharky353 3

Vlad Tepes never drank blood. That was only a short lived hungarian propaganda. Dracula (or Draculea) means "son of dragon". "Draco/drac" used to mean dragon in archaic Romanian, now it means "devil". There was an elite order called Order of the Dragon and Vlad Tepes along with his father belonged to it. Vlad Tepes was Christian and a defender of Christianity. He is one of the greatest national heroes. The Impaling method isn't even his idea. It was practiced long before by the turks and hungarians. He was killed at the age of 46. So everything you said about him is ridiculous. I'm Romanian by the way.