By ygma - 01/12/2015 16:39 - United States - Mansfield

Today, my extremely religious grandmother disowned me for watching Supernatural. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 447
You deserved it 2 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Tell her the truth about angels, prophets,heaven and god and drop the mic! BURN!

kenwolfy 14

She cant handle the cass/dean shipping powers

Your grandmother is an assbutt who deserves to be locked in the cage with Michael and Lucifer. Jk! But seriously, you should tell her that its about two brothers saving people and hunting evil things. You know, the family business! If she still wants to be a sanctimonious assbutt, then watch it anyway and don't bring it up around her.

Mmmm, Supernatural or Grandma.... I'd go with Supernatural

Is she the kind of person who says "Halloween is the devils birthday " as well ?

pavelchekov 12

If she saw some of the things I say on my tumblr about some of the actors from that show she'd burst into flames

This is hilarious to me because I hate Supernatural. XD

Drentiful 9

Supernatural is love, Supernatural is life.

Was she afraid you would like Crowly over Sam and Dean?