By frownyface - 14/01/2012 17:32 - United States

Today, my family and I were burning our Christmas tree. For a laugh, my dad jokingly pushed me toward the fire. I tripped, and my doctor says the burns are probably going to scar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 612
You deserved it 3 197

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should jokingly push him in a frozen lake...


BaileySt4 5

That's gotta be awkward at the dinner table....

SMHreally 0

Hope your okay you coulda realli been hurt hope he at least apologized to you

chels1994 11

How is this hilarious? Harming your kids or pretending to do so makes you laugh? Please NEVER have children, I'll feel sorry for them...

g_ayvel 11

I believe, he was being sarcastic...

Ezekeo 5

How did you explain that to the doc?

HairyPunisher 27

wtf who burns their Christmas tree? That sucks though. FYL OP.

I wonder how bad and guilty your father feels

There's a technical term for that - "an-idiot-for-a-dad."

113 I can't help but wonder the same... When my sister was much younger I dropped some hot water on her by mistake... It never left a scar and she's forgotten all about it but eleven years later, I still get choked when I think of the way she screamed and that it was my fault

Strictlegion 0

this is an insight about fathers of the upcoming generations. Raised with violence and shit humor. Sorry op :(