By frownyface - 14/01/2012 17:32 - United States

Today, my family and I were burning our Christmas tree. For a laugh, my dad jokingly pushed me toward the fire. I tripped, and my doctor says the burns are probably going to scar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 612
You deserved it 3 197

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should jokingly push him in a frozen lake...


Well, everyone knows that parents tend to go overboard.

I guessed Arizona as I was reading the story, I was right.

use cocoa butter once the skin heals. the burn shouldnt scar if u take proper care of it

cyK0tek 0

Cool! You gonna get a eye-scar like Zuko?? I mean- ouch...damn.

bizarre_ftw 21

On the bright side, every time he tries to discipline you, or in any way denies you anything, all you have to say is "fine, not as bad as living with This!"

aimeesea75 16

Yeah, as a joke. And your mom probably fell on a doorknob. Right?

'That's what I get for leaving the mop out' Free Doughnuts if you get this reference. :)

sms1974 3

OP, your dad should rot in jail.

niki92 5

Is it really a good idea to be burning anything in Arizona of all places? Anywho, you're dad's a little asswipe and shouldn't even be allowed to have that title.