By frownyface - 14/01/2012 17:32 - United States

Today, my family and I were burning our Christmas tree. For a laugh, my dad jokingly pushed me toward the fire. I tripped, and my doctor says the burns are probably going to scar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 612
You deserved it 3 197

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should jokingly push him in a frozen lake...


shamanic ritual? just kidding, either way OP your dad's a dick.

In the future, as you are signing him into the nursing home and he asks you "why, dear God, why?!" Show him the scar and say "nurse, watch out. This one likes jokes!"

Ur dad is a douche who the hell thinks it's okay to play around a fire common sense isnt common anymore

skyeyez9 24

I was burned on my right leg when I was 9 by a neighborhood bully. he did it "as a joke." When it happened, it was sheer agony! My heart rate felt like it went to 200, my pants burned into my skin and the pain was unbearable. I can not imagine being purposely pushed into a fire where you are burned on a larger area. Your dad is a major asshole.

thiscrazything 1

I am so sorry, op, I home you heal faster and better than anyone expected. As for your dad, I am sure he was never expecting you to trip, and although it was a terribly stupid thing to do, he must feel really awful for causing you pain.

I don't get it - how come there are always people who would choose 'YDI' on posts? Are they just evil? :(