By Anonymous - 09/08/2009 04:02 - United States

Today, my family and I were coming back from a trip to the US. As we reached the border patrol we realized that we were one passport short. The border patrol lectured us for 30 minutes about how irresponsible we were for not realizing that they had forgotten to give us one of our passports back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 065
You deserved it 8 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Both parties were at fault. They should have been more thorough in their work and you should have checked to make sure all the passports were there before moving off. FYL & YDI.

#4, you obviously have no idea what US border patrol is like. If you walk away from them while htey're talking to you, they'll take you away, interrogate you, stripsearch you & basically treat you like a terrorist


That border gaurd was a complete jerk.

aria_joy 0

oh sad :( lol what country are you from? :)

Agh those patrollers are so scary and intimidating :O

delfino1604 24