By tycrist8 - 26/06/2015 23:32 - United States - Lawrence

Today, my family and I were driving and we passed a strip club called DB's Golden Banana. My 5-year-old sister asked what it was, so my dad said it was a place where people dance. Now my sister keeps telling people she wants to be a dancer at DB's Golden Banana. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 709
You deserved it 3 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's always a wonderful thing to see children who know what they want to do early in life. In this case, an exotic dancer to pleasure mankind.


I live in MA, so I'm assuming your talking about the one on route one. When I was younger, my dad told me it was a gym Where people "work out"

praesidiem 16

At least it's not "DP Golden Banana".

It's cute when kids are naive- don't worry no one will actually think she means she wants to be a stripper

I'm moving to Peabody, MA next month ??

I love the Banana! Been there many times.

That'll be a fun story to tell at her wedding.

the hard truth is this if you go into it with the right mind set you can make more in a day than most people do in a week. assuming you start at 18 and do it until you're 26. if you work hard have any level of talent and invest not horribly like maintain a good savings account you can walk away with a decent car money for a decent house enough money for college and to not have to work though college and have enough left over to start a business. in short if you can avoid the pitt falls you could do way worse.

Do you have a moment to talk about our great and noble Prophet, Punctuation?

I'm finding this FML hilarious because at one point in time before I was born, my mother WAS a dancer at DB's Golden Banana. I remember her telling me stories of how she was a dancer there and one night her father came in with some friends from the office and how it was pretty much the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to her.

That would be awful! For both her and her dad.

OMG, I just can't stop laughing ^^ Almost crying :')