By tycrist8 - 26/06/2015 23:32 - United States - Lawrence

Today, my family and I were driving and we passed a strip club called DB's Golden Banana. My 5-year-old sister asked what it was, so my dad said it was a place where people dance. Now my sister keeps telling people she wants to be a dancer at DB's Golden Banana. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 709
You deserved it 3 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's always a wonderful thing to see children who know what they want to do early in life. In this case, an exotic dancer to pleasure mankind.


And you successfully have achieved that in buried good job #12

well sir i can say you have came to the right place. cute she is, let her know once she wd understand the whole scenario

Wow... this demonstrates that even a lie backfires. Good grief, one wonders what people will think about the parents, OP is just the sister.

She can dance to pay her way through college one dollar at a time.

Who names a strip club the golden banana

Badkarma4u 17

"Dirty skanks with coke and meth habits" was taken

I googled the club, they have amateur nights ;-)

Just hope that she changes her mind when she gets older...