By NextTimeMom'sDriving - 11/06/2014 16:41 - Canada - Kelowna

Today, my family and I were on a road trip. Everything was fine until we discovered that my dad, the driver, was not only fast asleep, he was also snoring. We were in the middle of the highway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 659
You deserved it 4 466

Same thing different taste

Top comments did A) no one notice sooner B) you guys not crash C) you get yourselves out of this predicament Come on, we need more information here! On another note, hope everyone is okay :)


Try switching drivers next time if the current is sleepy. Sometimes you can doze off and not even realize it, so scary and dangerous!!

the_Jessicaaa 11
marieeecc 9

You're dad has some mad skills!

that's nothing. My stepmom was driving through the mountains at 3 am and she was so tired, she kept going in the middle of the road so I had to take over

I definitely wouldn't say its nothing!

TordNorski 30

My dad did this before on a road trip to Arizona!

musiclover25 5

on road trips, turn up the AC. it'll keep ya awake. my mom always did that when we drove to Florida. ..In it was pretty bad lol

It’s a myth. Lots of road accidents happen because people think that a few cups of coffee, or the loud music, or the A/C is going to keep them awake. It doesn't. If you are really tired, nothing will keep you up, especially when you are driving on a straight line.

He probably has sleep apnea! That's dangerous.

How are you still writing this from heaven